Thursday, March 1, 2007

Past blogging archive...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Things that make you go hmmmm...
I was an editor of a major Ornithological journal for several years. When things in the office were swinging and going great, we had little nicknames for each other. Mine was "high priestess." I loved it. I also used to read Tarot cards, and I loved it when that card came up in a spread.And once upon a time...long ago. Back in my pagan days of yore, I was told I had great power in me that I needed to learn to tap into. That I tended to hide that power from myself, but if I could learn to get to it, and how to use it, nothing would stand in my way. I have thought of this for years, never speaking of it. Never telling anyone. I don't know if it was out of keeping the ego bost to myself; being humble; or because it is easier to keep inside, because if I never tap into it, than no one will say "what a waste.""what a waste."Those words sum up quite a bit about me. Words I have felt about myself. Words I have worried over and feared.I am afraid of failing, and I let that affect my pursuits.So, tonight I was tinkering with blogthings, taking dorky tests and I came across "What Tarot card are you?" SO I clicked, and this is what I got...
You Are The High Priestess
You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed.You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light.You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two.Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets.Your fortune:Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward.You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination.And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end.You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open!
What Tarot Card Are You?
Magick. We'll see.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Who I am.
I am a mother, a teacher, a student, a Buddhist, a daughter, a sister, a friend..but we are not supposed to look at these things in figuring this out. There is more to who we are, than the demographics that define us. The entries here will fall into different categories. I will date each entry under the correct heading (if that doesn’t work. I’ll figure something else out). This should be interesting. Today: I am a teacher at a poor inner city Middle/High School. I teach 8th grade English. It is a "challenge." For the most part it is rewarding. I love the kids, but from a personal place. As a teacher, I must say it is the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. "Is our children learning?" Was asked by W, and it is so metaphorical. No, Mr. President, they IS not. More on this later.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

So what's the point?
I am starting this blog as a means of self-discovery. Why today? and WHY in a blog?Well I'll answer the latter first. Because, I feel a certain about of necessity to publicizes what is happening with me. It is a perfect chance to get outside input from objective (hopefully) observers. I am keeping my blog a bit of a secret from those that know me. But a select few will be informed, and will hopefully give input.Now, why today? Well one could say why put off tomorrow, what you can do today? Or- if tomorrow never comes.... Or any number of referential quotes. Mainly, I try really hard to listen to the Universe when messages are being sent my way. I am at a bit of a personal crossroads, and for whatever reason, I have decided to sit and wait for someone to come along and give me directions. Now, intellectually, I know this is silly; ridiculous even; Nevertheless, here I sit. Zazen even.So, when the Universe calls you collect and starts sending you messages like my daily horoscope...Gemini: 13/April 2006- You will enjoy progress on all fronts today -- be sure not to rest on your laurels....and I actually get a few minutes to veg in front of the TV, and it is Oprah (whom I love but don't watch, except for today...hmm) and they are discussing women who have lost themselves, and the techniques to get back on track. I think it is time to pick up the phone and accept the charges. SO there you go.These are my reasons. Pretty straight forward. I must rush off to class for the evening. But I will return tonight, and tell you more.Namaste.Rebecca

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Quoth the my shorts
So, I am wondering about favorite quotes. I have a few..."Be the change you wish to see in the world." "An eye for an eye only makes the world blind"-Gandhi"Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world...indeed it is the only thing that ever has" -Margaret Meade"Free you mind and your ass will follow..the Kingdom of Heaven is within." - George Clinton/Funkadelic (a singing quote) "...ah bitter dregs.." -Mr. SpockGimmee feedback. Whom do you quote?TTFN
posted by Anon at 4:49 PM

bell said...
“The heads… your looking at the heads… sometimes he gets a little carried away…” Dennis Hopper in apocalypse now“I’m a vampire! I’m a Vampire!” Nicolas Cage in vampires kiss“I’m not afraid anymore!” testimonial in the move Donnie DarkoMaybe not the kind of quotes expected, but what came to mind never the less… great to see a new post.“I’ll be back.” Arnold
10:21 PM
om said...
It's a hard act to follow Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now, but here goes:"Sexual intercourse is kicking Death in the ass while singing." - Charles Bukowski
10:40 PM
J said...
"Don't be selfish, Marge. It's a uter-us, not a uter-you." - Homer Simpson--"I celebrate myself" - Walt Whitman--"Imitation is suicide." - RW Emerson
2:32 PM
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
5:19 PM
Marlowe said...
Charles Bukowski said, "Love is a dog from hell..."
5:16 PM
Marlowe said...
Charles Bukowski said, "Love is a dog from hell..."

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